Laurel Silk - غار حريري
The oldest, most traditional & multipurpose soap of our collection, Laurel Silk is a must try. This bar is a staple in every Middle Eastern household, yet its effectiveness is relatively unknown. This is a strong Aleppo soap recipe, with 40% laurel.
Laurel Silk has a soft bubbly, silky lather that deep cleans. Free of essential oils & additives, this bar is suitable for all skin & hair types & is delicate enough for children. We also love its anti-itch effect. Sensitive & problematic skin would benefit from the high laurel content.
-Scent: earthy, smoky, natural
-Minimum weight: 8.5oz (Every soap is made, cut & stamped by hand. The variances between each bar do not affect the quality of the product.)
Ingredients: Saponified olive (60%) oil & laurel (40%) oil
Information: Laurel Silk is based on the ancient Aleppo soap (صابون غار او صابون الشام) from Syria, which is made using locally grown laurel berries to make laurel oil. This smoky oil has powerful anti-fungal & anti-inflammatory properties. Recipes typically include 5% to 40% laurel oil.